Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Week 2 To Do

To start my second week home I was greeted with a May 10 frost, but it did turn into a beautifully crisp spring day afterwords. For the rest of the week, it's going to be cold and damp until the weekend, when it's supposed to warm back up into the sixties, and possibly seventies by next week. Besides regular maintenance of checking on my seeds and plants, I've got a few special projects going this week. One that I'm excited about is trying to get my dad's bike back up and running with the help of the Bike Forums I think I figured out what tool I need, and the part to replace the broken freewheel. I ordered them from Amazon, so they should both be here this week. If I get it fixed, I'll describe it in a more detailed post.

I also started working on a three box system for the compost. Using the chicken coop as a backstop I've got three walls up, so it's kind of a 2 box system. I'd like to find one more board to use as a fourth wall, so we can stop using the garbage can altogether. I'm also going to be building a couple of tee-pee trellises for my pole beans to climb. I've located some long ash limbs. Now, I need to cut them and get them in place.

The chicken coop is looking a little abandoned, so I've got to start getting it ready. On Monday the 17, Uncle Paul and I are going to head to the stockyards, and pick up a few laying hens.
Work begets work, so I'm sure I'll discover a few more projects while working on those I've already got planned. To wrap this up on a positive note, I got my finally grades back, so I've officially got the 36 credits I need to graduate. I'm now a certified Master Librarian, or masterbrarian as I like to call myself.


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