Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cardboard Sidewalk & Bean Teepee

Two weeks ago, the big gardening infrastructure project was putting up the snow fence to protect from the deer, and to a lesser extent, the rabbits. Last week, I laid down some cardboard to mark a walking path, and to keep the weeds down. For now, I have to way it down with rocks. This is somewhat inconvenient, because it makes pushing the wheelbarrow through the garden somewhat challenging. I'm hoping once the cardboard gets packed down, I can remove a number of rocks.
 I also built a teepee for my beans. We put it on an area next to the garden where we've been stacking our compost for the last forever. It will be interesting to see what effect it has on the beans. What the teepee lacks in symmetry, it makes up for in functionality. It has five poles, and I planted about 7 beans around each pole. Dad and I will have to make some adjustments with the snow fence in order to protect the beans from the deer and rabbits. Originally, I thought I would put up two teepees for the beans, but mom planted some bush beans in the garden, and I have about 35 bean plants planted around the teepee, so I might use the space next to it for my broccoli.


Tami Hankey said...

Looks spectacular! I'm totally using your cardboard idea for my garden -- excellent!

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