Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Harvest is Gaining Momentum

I'm starting to have a hard time keeping up with the garden's production. This is a very nice problem to have, and I'll enjoy it while it lasts, because my supply of root vegetables (with the exception of potatoes) is dwindling. I did plant some more turnips and beets a couple of weeks ago, so hopefully, I'll have another round of root vegetables coming up. For the time being, I've been pulling up lots of turnips, beets, carrots, and onions. I don't know if I'll ever be able to construct an entire dinner with ingredients  solely from the garden, because I'll never be making my own vegetable oil or salt. Nevertheless, I'm beginning to make meals that are made mostly from vegetables and herbs from the garden. Most recently I made Cheesy Turnips and Carrots a recipe I got from my favorite online recipe source, It's a simple recipe that enabled me to use turnips, carrots, onions, and celery from the garden.
In addition to that dish, I made beet and goat cheese gratin from my favorite cookbook, How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food by Mark Bittman. Like everything I cook, it's simple and healthy. After roasting the beets in advance, I tossed them in olive oil and salt and pepper. I then put them in a baking dish and sprinkled fresh time on them (from my herb garden, of course). Then I crumbled some goat cheese over the top, and put it under the broiler for about 5 minutes.

With the potatoes coming on strong, I hope my first round of root vegetables will last me until the tomatoes start coming on in a couple of weeks. Right now, the plants are loaded with green tomatoes and blossoms, so it looks like it's going to be a great crop.


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